Now I understand.' Then he stopped, and looked at the thing next to Clodpool. He prodded with a sandal the dozing form of Clodpool the apprentice, and said: 'I have seen.

He stared at the rising sun for some time, because he had never seen it before. I mourn the loss of this book to this set of narrators and hope fervently that the production company doesn?t make the same mistake again.Thief of Time By Terry Pratchett ISBN: 0385601883 According to the First Scroll of Wen the Eternally Surprised, Wen stepped out of the cave where he had received enlightenment and into the dawning light of the first day of the rest of his life. The sound production of this story was skilled, but I would prefer to listen to the early, amateurish productions of Pratchett (complete with sound chops and cheesy sound effects) rather than struggle through listening to this book again. The reading of this book, on the other hand, did the talent of Pratchett a terrible disservice. A few were good, some were adequate, and one female voice was spectacularly bad in doing "Ronnie, the milkman." Following the progression of producers and narrators, one can see maturation in the products (the audio versions of the Pratchett books). (Between the two men, Briggs does a much better Vetinari.) In this book, however, the entire tone and quality of _Thief_of_Time_ was lost in the blur of readers. Nigel Planer did a good job of carrying the appeal until I had a chance to listen to Briggs read A Hat Full of Sky and was hooked. The author is humorous and clever on several levels. *** I have read every Pratchett book (up to Fifth Elephant) at least 3 times. Some have awful affectations for accents. They are not appropriate for reading satirical fantasy. The sound production is extremely competent. Summary: All in all, buy the book, not the audible. I hope that Audible will acquire the ISIS version and continue to provide the ISIS versions of this series. However, since I have learned that ISIS has produced this book with Stephen Briggs reading, I don't think I can recommend this version. If you like the series, you will enjoy this one also. The story is another wonderful Discworld title. Several of the characters are well done by this group, which makes it even more disturbing when the voice for that character changes. I cannot come up with any reason why this was done except for the possibility that the person reading was the one who showed up to work that day.

Having multiple people read a book is a fine idea, but why does this group have a tendency to change parts at will? You get used to hearing one voice read a character and then you get a different person reading the character with completely different style. Out of all the Discworld books offered by this site, this is the first one to disappoint me. 5 Stars for the story, 1 star for the reading