Installing from Hub gives wrong SDK structure (not expected by Unity itself, ha).

This bug is there since years, would be nice if on next version it could be fixed without users need to do workarounds.Ģ020.3.11f1, the same. I'm using ubuntu, but don't think it's a distro problem). (I think the other both JDK and NDK are now found after my rights change, I will try to reproduce and test that, would be nice if you could try that on a linux-workplace too. 'Android SDK and/or JDK directory is not set'.

On File->Build Settings->Android unity complains: '! You are missing the recommended Android SDK Tools Install the recommended version using Unity Hub.' If I go on EscapeRoom Project (Unity tutorial) in Edit->Preferences->External Tools it complains: So OpenJDK, NDK and SDK and all bin is there. :~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2020.1.5f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer$ ll :~$ cd Unity/Hub//Editor/2020.1.5f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/ Thank you for fast reply and for your work.